Hello there, for the past few weeks I been thinking very deeply about going back to Morocco and go to college there, I'm about to finish High School soon, I also been
@ LibrePenseur: you are such an uneducated person
Listen dude, listen to the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea and the animals in the jungle...
Which one to choose if you would given the choice!?Religion or Love?!
Some of you girls must have been in love With non-Muslim guys!? If yes, i would love to hear your experience
i dated many many girls from all over the world, u name the country and i had a girl friend from there.
i was a big play boy, trust me.
But Turkish people are special, they are very nationalists,
chaqu'un a sa cause.
les palestiniens ont leur cause.
les israelis ont aussi leur cause.
Et les Marocains ont aussi leur cause.
mais le Maroc a aussi sa cause contre l'Algerie.
salam aleykoum
je suis nouvelle
voila ca fait un moments que je vous lis
et aujhourd'hui a mon tour j'écris car je ne sais plus ou j'en suis
voila je
Bonne annee a tout le monde, on a deux ans a vivre avant la fin du monde en 2012, alors faut apprecier la vie tant que vous etes vivant.
Happy new
u people don't know nothing about love yet u pretend.
what's ur definition of love?
according to ur culture or to the village where u came from, love is nothing but a business
oui, mais un peux de patience,et puis laissons le temps à notre roi
patience patience patience patience patience patience...
Tu t'as jamais demander