The white house, and for the first time in 20 years did not organize an Iftar to celebrate Ramadan. According to the CNN, President Donald Trump and first Lady Melania Trump instead wished the Muslim community residing in the USA a happy Eid in a statement released on Saturday. In their statement the presidential couple urged «Muslims in the United States joined those around the world during the holy month of Ramadan to focus on acts of faith and charity», adding that :
6 people including 3 children were injured when a car hit a crowd celebrating the end of Ramadan in Newcastle, a city northeast England. The incident happened around 9:14 am and police said is not related to terrorism, CNN reports. An eyewitness told the BBC news, that a woman who attended the event and Eid prayers «was about to to leave in her car and I believe she lost control. I ran up straight away because everyone was moving in on all the injured, trying to put water in their
La brigade de la police judiciaire de Nador a ouvert, dimanche, une enquête sous la supervision du parquet compétent afin de déterminer les circonstances d’une tentative de trafic de 52 300 comprimés psychotropes à bord d’un autocar de transport international de voyageurs en provenance de la ville allemande de Düsseldorf. Un communiqué de la Direction générale de la sureté nationale (DGSN) indique que les services
Le service préfectoral de la police judiciaire de Casablanca a arrêté, vendredi, un individu, âgé de 26 ans, pour sa présumée implication dans une affaire de menace à l’arme et incitation à commettre des actes criminels à l’encontre des personnes et des biens. Un communiqué de la Direction générale de la sureté nationale (DGSN) indique samedi que le suspect était apparu sur
«The Kingdom of Morocco has decided to immediately summon, for consultation, the Ambassador of His Majesty the King in The Hagu», the Foreign Ministry and International Cooperation said in a statement on Saturday. The department of Nacer Bourita explains that during the last two days, contacts have taken place between the Moroccan and Dutch authorities, at the level of the heads of government and the foreign ministers, respectively. These contacts have dealt with the actions of a
Les éléments de la protection civile dans la préfecture de Skhirat-Témara ont réussi à maîtriser l'incendie qui a ravagé, dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, une centaine d'habitations du bidonville «Tazrout» à Ain Aouda, (préfecture de Skhirate-Témara), a-t-on appris auprès des autorités locales. L'incendie, qui s'est déclaré vendredi vers 21H00 avant d'être
L’international marocain Younes Belhanda devra évoluer la saison prochaine au sein du club turc de Galatasaray, annonce samedi, la presse locale. Selon la chaîne turque NTV Spor, les dirigeants du club stambouliote sont parvenu à un accord global avec le milieu offensif international marocain (36 sélections, 3 buts) qui appartient au Dynamo Kiev et ex champion de France avec Montpellier en 2012. Revenu à Kiev après une saison en prêt
Saudi security forces announced yesterday that they have managed to thwart a «terrorist» attack that targeted Mecca's grand mosque, the holiest site in Islam, reports Le Parisien. 11 people, including 5 police officers, were injured when a 3-storey building partially collapsed where a suicide bombers blew himself, indicates a communique issued by the Saudi Interior Ministry. The police engaged in shootout with the Kamikaze before he blew himself. He opened fire on security forces
Moroccan peacekeepers in Central Africa belonging to the Minusca mission were targeted by the Anti-Balaka rebels in a violent attack in Bangasso, the North Africa Post reports. A Moroccan Minusco official told the same source in a press briefing that the armed group opened fire on the Minusco members on the 21st of June located in a camp that hosts more than 200 Muslim civilians. The same source added that the attack was aborted by the peacekeepers. «Violence have flared in the area of
The death of El Mortada Iamrachen's father, who passed away on Thursday night, was transformed into a march in Al Hoceima on Thursday that called for the immediate release of all Hirak detainees. According to Lakome, slogans were chanted by those who came to accompany the father of the Salafist until his last abode. They called the authorities to «change the militarized status of the city». The Arabic-language media reports other slogans: «the people want the release of the