Morocco will host on November 2017, two energy forums on gas and renewable energy. The event scheduled for the 29th of November and 1st of December in Casablanca will be attended by Aziz Rabbah, the Minister of Energy, Mines, and Sustainable Development, Energy Net Limited, an online newspaper, reports today. The first event entitled «The Africa Renewable Energy Forum» was first organized in Marrakech last year during COP22 held in November 2016. It is mainly aiming at discussing
A l’occasion de la publication des comptes semestriels 2017 de l’OCP, les analystes financiers mettent en avant une progression de 6,9% du chiffre d'affaires consolidé de la société à 23,2 milliards de dirhams (MMDH), profitant d'une hausse de 28% des revenus de la roche et de 17% de ceux des engrais, minimisant ainsi l'impact de la baisse des prix enregistrée sur la période. Cette performance reste également attribuable à des
Des bus écologiques seront mis en circulation à l’été 2018 à Rabat, a annoncé le président du conseil communal de la ville, Mohamed Sadiki. Dans une déclaration à la MAP, M. Sadiki a souligné que la modernisation du réseau du transport urbain dans la capitale se fera à travers la mise en circulation de bus écologiques. «Ce qui est de nature à accompagner le développement que
Taoufik Rabbaa, a Moroccan national has been appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citibank Maghreb. He will be responsible for the business and investment activities of Citibank in Morocco and will take care as well of determining new opportunities for growth in the country. This is what announces a communiqué issued by the group and reported by Medias 24. Taoufik Rabbaa will be the first Moroccan to head the group since its creation in 1967. The Al Akhawayn
Internationally known for starring at one of James bond’s most famous movies, the train linking Oujda to Boujdour was at the center of a reportage conducted by AFP. The train is owned and run by Edi Kunz, a 70 year-old man who carries tourists all along the oriental desert in a charming journey. «It takes between eight and 12 hours to make the trip, sometimes even more», Kunz told the French news agency speaking about Oriental Express Desert which was used to film some
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have investigated the situation of the educational system in Morocco before the kick start of the new scholar year. The latest statistics show a significant increase in guaranteeing basic education for children during primary and secondary school. School enrolment has reached 97.4% and 87.6% respectively, «however, access to school is not yet guaranteed to all children,
London will host a cultural event on 16th and 17th of September, offering the English public a Caftan Fashion Show and a festival of the Moroccan cuisine with a concert of music. This artistic event, which coincides with the famous «London Fashion Week», is organized on the initiative of Jalila Elmastouki, a Moroccan-British specialist in the promotion of the caftan, the young chef Khalid Dahbi, and Jamal Boujrad, a former NMTO executive with more than 30 years of experience in the
The trial of Hirak detainees arrested for organizing demonstrations in the Northern region of Morocco has been put off, reports Reuters today. Families of the Hirak members gathered outside the Casablanca courthouse. 17 detained protest leaders “face charges ranging from conspiring against the state to protesting without authorization”, states the same source. The Hirak popular movement has seen light after the death of Mohcine Fikri a fish monger who was crushed by a trash truck
La capitale britannique s’apprête à vibrer au rythme de la culture marocaine en abritant les 16 et 17 septembre une manifestation culturelle, proposant au public anglais un Caftan Fashion Show et un festival de gastronomie marocaine avec un concert de musique. Cet événement artistique, qui coïncide avec la célèbre «London Fashion Week», est organisé à l’initiative de Jalila Elmastouki, une Maroco-britannique
Latifa Ahlami, ancienne femme-soldat dans les Forces armées royales, a été victime d’une escroquerie orchestrée par une fausse agence de voyage, cette dernière souhaitant se rendre sur les lieux saints de l’Islam pour effectuer un Hajj. S'étant déjà rendue en Arabie saoudite pour une Omra en 2016 avec la même agence, Mme Ahlami a répondu présente aux gérants quand ils lui ont suggéré de