Le jeune écrivain marocain Salim Bouazzati a remporté le premier prix de l’édition 2017 du concours littéraire «Une mer de mots» de l’Institut européen de la Méditerranée (IEMed) et de la Fondation Anna Lindh. Salim Bouazzati (22 ans) s’est adjugé le premier prix de ce concours littéraire pour son œuvre «Loaf of bread» (Une miche de pain), qui relate le désespoir d’un
La ville de Casablanca se prépare à accueillir, du 24 au 30 octobre, sa première Design Week, qui mobilisera des créateurs de tous bords, ont annoncé, mardi soir, les organisateurs. Cette manifestation, tenue à l'initiative du collectif Houna, a pour vocation de rassembler les différents acteurs du design et de la création à travers une multitude d'événements ouverts au grand public, a indiqué Soukeina Hachem,
King Mohammed VI received on Tuesday, 17th of October in Rabat, Horst Kohler, the Personal Envoy for Western Sahara appointed recently by the UN Secretary-General, said a statement issued by the Royal Cabinet. The meeting was attended by Fouad Ali El Himma, senior adviser of the sovereign, Nasser Bourita, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and David Schwake, the special adviser of Kohler, reported the same source. The former German president and politician also met
The construction of two developmental projects by Morocco was launched on Tuesday in Madagascar, according to L’express, a local online newspaper. «After the signing of an agreement in November 2016, the Mohammed VI Foundation, in collaboration with the urban commune of Antsirabe, has launched the construction of a vocational training center and a specialized mother-and-child hospital center in Ambohimanarivo and Verezambola, located at the edge of the RN7,» said the
Citrus production in Morocco is expected to drop in 2017 compared to the previous year, according to estimates published today by Fresh Plaza, a portal for the fresh produce industry. The platform spoke to a Moroccan company that sells and exports citrus products to teh US, Europe, the Middle East and the rest of Africa. Speaking to Issam Mounir from the Company Overseas Market, he insisted that «the firm expects to have about 500 tones of this Clementine variety (Bruno
Un incendie qui s'est déclaré, lundi peu avant minuit, dans une forêt relevant de la commune rurale de Ksar Es-sghir (province de Fahs-Anjra) a ravagé environ 12 hectares de couvert végétal. L'incendie qui a eu lieu dans la forêt de "Dar Foual", qui se caractérise par des zones difficiles d'accès, a été circonscrit ce mardi après-midi, grâce à l'intervention des éléments de la
La Chambre criminelle de premier degré chargée des crimes financiers près la cour d'appel de Rabat a prononcé, lundi soir, des peines allant de l'acquittement à un an de prison ferme, à l'encontre de trois anciens fonctionnaires de la Délégation générale à l'administration pénitentiaire et à la réinsertion (DGAPR), poursuivis pour «participation au délit de corruption». Ainsi,
Since 2014, 2,000 unaccompanied children have crossed the borders to Europe, according to European authorities. Who are these young people in search of another life? Where are they ? What do they suffer from when they reach the «promised land»? So many questions to which the German radio sation Deutsche Welle (DW) tried to find an answer. Journalists went to meet these children in Spain, Italy and Greece and made a documentary entitled «Lost children :30,000 missing
Le Maroc va repasser à l'heure légale GMT le dimanche 29 octobre, a annoncé ce mardi le ministère chargé de la Réforme de l'administration et de la fonction publique. L'heure devra, ainsi, être retardée de 60 minutes le dimanche 29 octobre 2017 à 03h00, a indiqué le ministère dans un communiqué relayé par l'agence MAP. Cette mesure intervient en application du décret n° 2.13.781 publié
Bank Al-Maghrib and the International Monetary Fund agreed on extending a loan agreement, namely the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), to 2022. The agreement aims at raising concessional lending granted to low-income countries. The IMF, as the manager of the PRGT, introduced an amendment to its investment agreement with Bank Al-Maghrib in 2012, under which Morocco pledged a subsidy contribution of 1.1 million special drawing rights (SDRs) to the PRGT, the Moroccan central bank said in